
Zombie Bounty Hunter M.D.

Zombie Bounty Hunter M.D.

Today is the final day for the Zombie Bounty Hunter M.D. Festival Fundraiser. I’ve been too mopey about Logan dying and been running around too much to do much promotion on this. But Logan loved the movie and I do too. It’s the twisted tale of a group of folks who stumble upon a real […]

“Can I Be Your Student?” Part One Million and Seven

In the past week I have received more “Can I be your student?” emails than I’ve received in years. Is it a full moon or something? I’m really baffled by this. I am also baffled by how each and every one of these folks is unwilling to come sit with me when I offer that […]

The Ultimate Answer to the Meaning of Life in Less Than a Thousand Words So You Can Get on to Something Else

The Ultimate Answer to the Meaning of Life in Less Than a Thousand Words So You Can Get on to Something Else

The folks in my LA group have been bugging me to mention our three-day Zen and Yoga retreat at Mt. Baldy Zen Center which is happening December 3-5, 2014. You can still sign up for the discount price. Go here for all the details. It will be an amazing time up in the mountains, with […]

Rote Flora, Hamburg

Carved Into the Universe

Jazzy music at Pizza Pazza at the corner of Juliusstrsse and Schulterblatt in Hamburg. The stocky Mediterranean-looking guy behind the counter is surly but figures out what I mean when I say, “Ein slice of funghi.” The guy before me was apparently arguing with him about something. He grabbed a bunch of old magazines from […]

Logan Lestat

Logan Lestat

You’ll have to bear with me. I haven’t slept much. Last night I arrived in Hamburg, Germany around midnight. I checked my messages and found out that my friend Logan Lestat (née Pat Cleckner) died yesterday from esophageal cancer. He was diagnosed sometime around December of 2013, when the cancer was already well advanced. I […]