
Do You Want to Have Fun or Are You a Buddhist?

Do You Want to Have Fun or Are You a Buddhist?

I’m in Munich (München), Germany this week. Yesterday I was walking around the city and I spotted a flyer pasted to a lamppost that said “Lebemann Oder Buddhist” and showed a mustachioed man in sunglasses getting cuddly with a girl in a bikini. My friend Annette who was with me translated the phrase as, “Do […]



Here’s my upcoming events schedule: UPCOMING EVENTS Oct. 10-11 Retreat in Munich, Germany Oct. 12-17 Retreat at Benediktushof near Würzburg, Germany Oct 18 8:00am — 6:00pm Retreat in Bonn, Germany Oct 20 Lecture in Hamburg, Germany Oct 24: Lecture in Groningen, Netherlands Oct 25: Day-long zazen in Groningen, Netherlands Oct 26: Movie screening in Eindhoven, Netherlands at Natlab Oct 27: Evening zazen in Eindhoven, Netherlands Oct 28: Evening zazen in Nijmegen, […]

Finland! Again! and Idolatry

Finland! Again! and Idolatry

I arrived in Helsinki at about Noon on Monday. This is my fourth trip to Finland. I seem to have a following here. The very first foreign translation of my first book Hardcore Zen was into Finnish. That was astonishing because up till then all I knew about Finland was what I learned in a song […]

Secular Meditation?

Sometimes on this blog I write things very quickly without going over them with the kind of rigor I would when preparing something for a book or a magazine article. This is one of those times. It’s something I want to get off my chest right away without fussing over it too much and thus […]

The Right Way to Meditate

My friend Matt in Manchester sent me the following email: I am reading Sam Harris’s new book ‘Waking Up‘ and in the chapter entitled Meditation (page 138) he talks about the practice of Dzogchen in relation to Zen practice he says ‘Dzogchen is not vague or paradoxical.It is not like Zen,wherein a person can spend […]