I Want to Go Home!
Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I’m on a tour of Europe and not everywhere I go is equipped with wi-fi. Or else sometimes there is wi-fi, but getting my American laptop to communicate with the foreign signal is a Zen-like exercise in learning to face failure and futility with quiet serenity. And then […]
John Wayne Was Not a Nazi
Lots of people are wrongly called “Nazis” these days. That’s my fault. One of the first things Buddha told his fans was that they should follow the Noble Eightfold Path; Right View, Resolve, Speech, Conduct, Livelihood, Effort, Mindfulness and Samadhi (often translated as Right Meditation). Last Saturday, Emily Eslami gave one of her usual brilliant talks […]
Are There Any Racists?
I’ll be as careful as I can with this one, because the outrage machine is always waiting to deliberately misconstrue anything the least bit complex or unconventional. In the conventional sense, the answer is YES. There definitely are real white supremacists, real neo-Nazis, real bigots, and real racists in this world. Without a doubt. And […]
Is It OK to Punch a Nazi?
I want to punch someone. You do too. You can deny it, if you want. I did for a very long time. Lots of people deny it. That doesn’t change anything. It’s OK that you want to punch someone. There’s nothing you can do about it. It’s just how it is to be the kind […]
Clinical and Indigenous Culture Use of Psychedelics
Someone apparently asked the following as a comment on a recent video on my YouTube channel called “My Druggy Daze,” but it didn’t show up in the comments section (I get them as emails). I don’t know if the commenter deleted it themselves or if something went wrong. I did not delete it. In fact, […]