Chimpanzees with Nukes and Uzis
Another mass shooting has occurred in the USA. This one happened in Las Vegas. 59 people were killed and hundreds were injured. It’s the worst mass shooting in American history. I don’t expect even this will change America’s absurd gun laws. For whatever it’s worth, I’ve been in favor of repealing the Second Amendment since […]
Other People are Just Your Past and Your Future
You think they’re other people, but they’re actually your own past and your own future. That thought flew by me this morning and I decided to catch it and hold it for a while. I figured it might prove to be useful. It’s the best way I can express, in a single sentence, the rather […]
The Center of All That
Think for just a few minutes about the amount of trust and cooperation that had to happen before the thing you’re doing right now could occur. Who made the screen you’re reading this on? Who shipped that device to the store? Who invented it? And who invented the previous machine upon which that inventor based […]
Drugs Again Part a Million-and-Seven
Some folks over on my Twitter feed are trying to drag me into yet another useless “discussion” on the question of drugs as Buddhist practice. Which is just d-u-m-b on so many levels. Not the least of which is the fact that the very format of Twitter makes anything like a real discussion completely impossible. […]
The Zen Buddhist Who Advises Trump About Nukes
According to the Daily Beast, “Christopher A. Ford, special assistant to the president and National Security Council senior director for weapons of mass destruction and counter-proliferation, who is also a former Navy reserve intelligence officer, a Rhodes scholar and a State Department veteran, was ordained in the Prajna Mountain Order of Soto Zen Buddhism at […]