Life is Ugly So Why Not Kill Yourself*
Brad is at Tassajara Zen Monastery where there’s no Internet access. Here is an oldie but goodie written for SuicideGirls to tide you over till he gets back. Often in my writing for SuicideGirls I’ve talked about girls, but I haven’t talked a lot about suicide. Last week a friend of mine attempted it, unsuccessfully […]
Shooting in Akron
Tomorrow morning I’ll be driving to Tassajara Zen Monastery in Carmel Valley, California. There is no Internet in Tassajara. Cell phone signals do not reach into the valley. There is one telephone that is shared by all of the students and guests. Suffice it to say, it will be difficult to reach me. Postal mail […]
Secure Your Own Mask Before Helping Others
I’m doing three gigs in Sacramento, California this weekend. As usual, complete listings for my live appearances are at this handy link, which is always on the left side of this blog at the very top of the list of links. Here’s where I’ll be this weekend: •August 6 (Sat) 9am – 5pm SACRAMENTO BUDDHIST […]
I’m in a train station in Martinez, California waiting for a delayed train to Sacramento. They have WiFi here. So I thought I’d try and answer one of my frequently asked questions, which is, “What music do you listen to these days?” People expect me to rattle off the names of a couple dozen current […]
Mountain of Drugs
I recently got into a fairly ridiculous debate on Facebook with some people who think that psychedelic drugs can get you to the same place as meditation. I don’t really know why I bothered. Except that people who advocate this position are so passionate about it and it’s really easy to pull their chains. It […]