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Thought and Attention (and Oxfords!)

First: If you are from Oxford, England and you were writing to me about doing a talk or event there, please write me again because I have lost all of the emails relating to this. Thanks! *** Secondly, if you’re in the country of Europe and want to see me talk to you please come […]

Why I Am Still a Buddhist

Sometimes I hate being a Buddhist. Years ago I wrote a blog piece called “Buddhism Sucks.” It was the only piece I ever wrote that my teacher, Nishijima Roshi, specifically commented on. He said that I should never “blame Buddhism.” I’ve often wondered about his use of the English word “blame.” He didn’t exactly mean […]

European Tour 2012

Next Tuesday, October 23, 2012, I am departing on my third European tour. I really need to start making commemorative T-shirts! It’s always fun going on these European treks. But last year I got really ill in Germany. I’m hoping not to get sick this time. Getting sick in a foreign country is not something […]



As I have mentioned here before, I’m in a movie called Shoplifting From American Apparel, which will premier in December at several theaters around the US. I’ve just begun working on my second feature film role, that of The Zen Priest in the film Zombie Bounty Hunter M.D.The movie was written and is being directed […]

Do Magic Mushrooms Work Like Meditation?

Let me try this again. Every time I make yet another attempt to explain the difference between the experiences available through the use of hallucinogenic drugs and the realities of long-term meditation practice, I vow that it will be the last time. And then a few months later I find myself doing it again. My […]