
The Making of Buddhist Modernism

I recently bought a book called The Making of Buddhist Modernism by David McMahan. It’s a pretty neat book about the way Buddhism has been transformed and “Westernized.” The author also contends that this process of Westernization is not confined to Americans and Europeans who have misinterpreted Buddhism through their own cultural conditioning. It also […]

Interview With David Chadwick

Yesterday David Chadwick, the author of the books Thank You and Ok!: An American Zen Failure in Japan and Crooked Cucumber: The Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki was in Akron, Ohio and we hung out. I video recorded some of our conversation and here it is as my first ever video blog. If […]

The Dharma of George Carlin

The other day this video popped up on my Facebook page: Those of you who aren’t seeing that link, click here or type http://youtu.be/R37zkizucPU into your browsers. The clip came courtesy of Waylon Lewis who posted it as part of this article in his online journal Elephant. Lewis drew the connection between what Louis C.K. […]

What’s Tassajara Like?

People wanted to know what Tassajara was like. That’s an easy one so I’ll tackle that now. For me, this time, Tassajara was mostly like chopping vegetables and washing dishes. I was invited down by Greg Fain who is the tanto (practice leader) of the place and a good friend of mine. Each summer guest […]

Back to Civilization

I’m back from Tassajara. That’s a photo of the full moon over the Tassajara valley. Did you miss me? Man. A lot went on while I was away. Jani Lane died. I didn’t see that one coming. I never knew Jani. But I was pals with Steve, who is also mentioned in the article I […]