Be a Loser

Someone sent me an email asking me how to deal with a problem with the boss at work. Here’s how I answered:


It’s hard to guess exactly what the situation is. Even if you explained it to me fully, I wouldn’t know it exactly.

In my days of working at Tsuburaya Productions I often thought about resigning. I even walked out once during the middle of the day and didn’t come back until the next day because I was so angry.

Whenever I talked to Nishijima Roshi about these problems, he always advised me to stay with the job. 

Of course, my job then and your job now are different. And so I don’t know if that’s good advice.

I try to look at every conflict I have with someone as part of my karma. Somehow I wanted to have that conflict. I don’t understand why I am having the conflict. I don’t enjoy the conflict. But I try to remember that the conflict has something to teach me.

After several meetings with Nishijima Roshi about problems at work, when I worked at Tsuburaya Productions in Japan, my usual policy became that if someone wanted to defeat me in a battle, I would allow that person to defeat me.

I realized that the “winner” in these conflicts usually has more trouble than the “loser.” So I would allow the other person to be the “winner” and deal with the trouble they created for themselves by being the “winner.” As the “loser” I always had less responsiblity and less work to do. It was a great strategy.


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IT CAME FROM BEYOND ZEN and SEX SIN AND ZEN are now available as audiobooks from! You can also get Don’t Be a JerkHardcore Zen,  Sit Down and Shut Up and There is No God and He is Always With You in audio form — all read by me, Brad Warner!