Politics: A Buddhist Perspective
A fair number of people ask me about the Buddhist perspective on politics or sometimes about Dogen’s perspective on politics. It’s an intriguing question. In Dogen’s voluminous writings I can only recall seeing a couple of very tangential references to anything one might call “political” (unless you’re one of those people who says everything is […]
Straight Outta Zazen
I finally watched Straight Outta Compton last night. I’m not sure how I missed it when it was in theaters. I usually go see just about any music related film that comes out. Could be I was on the road during its theatrical run. But anyhow, here I am, two years too late to the […]
Should Christians Meditate?
A guy I went to high school with and who is now a minister at the Church of the Good Shepard, a Methodist church, sent me an article called Apologist Warns Catholics About Dangers of ‘Mindfulness’: An Interview with Susan Brinkmann About Her New Catholic Guide. In the interview, Ms. Brinkmann makes a number of points […]
The Room
Before I go on, I gotta announce that IT CAME FROM BEYOND ZEN and SEX SIN AND ZEN (as read by me) are now available as audiobooks from Audible.com! Go get ’em! I’ve always liked movies that lots of people consider “bad.” Some of my very favorites in this category include Robot Monster, Troll 2, Teenagers from Outer Space, Godzilla […]
Doctor Who, Dogen, and the Fermi Paradox (or Happy New Year 2018)
Jesus. It’s 2018. That’s like Blade Runner or something. No wait. Blade Runner is next year. We’d better start working on those androids and off-world colonies. I spent Christmas at my sister’s place outside Nashville. While I was there, my nephew Ben and I watched episode one of series ten of Doctor Who. In that […]