Lion’s Roar Has Killed Buddhism

Buddhism in America is over and Lion’s Roar has killed it. I hate to sound so pessimistic, but right now it’s hard to see it any other way. Lion’s Roar, a huge, wealthy and supposedly “Buddhist” website, recently published the most pro-drug article I have ever seen in any Buddhist publication. I’m not even going to […]

Psychedelics’ Buddhist Revival?

Tricycle magazine has a new article up on their website confusingly titled Psychedelics’ Buddhist Revival. That’s the word “Psychedelic” in plural possessive form, then “Buddhist,” then “Revival.” So is it a Buddhist revival possessed by more than one psychedelic? Or one Buddhist possessed by multiple psychedelics who is having a revival? The title appears to […]

Princess Buttercup

The Center of a Universe With No Center

I flew to Ohio on the  4th of July. Adriana came with me. We had to change planes in Atlanta. During the flight from Atlanta to Akron, we could see fireworks displays going on way down below. We stayed with Jeff Hardy, aka Jefferson Hardship, aka Jeffro Smull, guitarist of Zero Defex at his new […]

Hitler Sells But I’m Not Buying

Around seven or eight years ago, an online Buddhist magazine asked me to contribute articles. At first I was pleased. Then I heard the terms they were offering. I would be paid according to the number of views and shares my articles got. If they got less than a certain number of views, I would […]

Human Immigration

Before I even get started, I want to be very clear. President Trump’s decision to enforce the policy of separating children from their parents at the US border is a terrible thing. I very much oppose what he is doing. In the wake of this stuff, though, I’ve seen some things shared on social media […]