I have a silly question. When meditating, I’ve read one is to be aware, and not much else. However, when thoughts calm down, what is one suppose to be aware of. I check posture. But is the mind suppose to settle on something. Or simply search out–thus disturbing the calm–something to be aware of. I […]

George Harrison Says “We Are Not These Bodies”

A reader in North Carolina asks: Could you please comment on this quote, which Tom Petty attributes to George Harrison: “Look, we’re not these bodies, let’s not get hung up on that.” I’d be glad to! Because George Harrison is one of the key people in getting me into this whole Buddhist mess that I’m […]

Christian Radio

It’s Martin Luther King Day here in the USA. But I can’t think of anything related to MLK to say today. So instead I’m going to try and write down my thoughts about the radio station I’ve been listening to in my car a lot lately, WCRF – FM 103.3 Moody Bible Radio Cleveland. Click […]

Dogen’s Genjo Koan: Three Commentaries

The fine folks at Counterpoint Press sent me a copy of Dogen’s Genjo Koan: Three Commentaries for my review. So here goes. First off, the by-line on this thing is a doozy. Here’s what it says under the title: EIHEI DOGEN ZENJITranslations andCommentaries byNishiari Bokusan,Shohaku Okamura,Shunryu Suzuki,Kosho Uchiyama,Sojun Mel Weitsman.Kazuaki Tanahashi, andDairyu Michael Wenger Phew! […]

“Moe and Curly” or “Get Started Today”

Here’s a question someone sent twice. So he must really want to know. If you have a moment can you please clarify something on your blog: “I mean that when Moe hits Curly on the head with a sledgehammer, Moe is really only hitting Moe on the head with a sledgehammer. It only appears to […]