Who is Thich Naht Hanh?
Two days ago I put up a piece here called “Thich Naht Hanh is Wrong.” It was a deliberately provocative title. I said in the comments to that piece that the title was meant to ask, “Who is Thich Naht Hanh?” Someone said that smelled like fresh bullshit to him. I’d like to ask that […]
Thich Naht Hanh is Wrong
I follow Thich Nhat Hanh on Twitter. But, whereas I write my own Twitter posts, I doubt that Mr. Hanh sits in front of his Macbook and types his out for the world to see. My guess is that some minion of his scans his books for pithy statements that fit the Twitter mold and […]
Davy Jones
I’ve never really gone public with this. But I am a tremendous Monkees geek. It must have started early because that’s me at age six or seven with a genuine Monkees guitar — which would be worth a fortune now if I still had it. Alas I do not. But I do have all of […]
My Writing Course
So I’m sitting here trying to think of ways I can continue to buy Fancy Feast for Crum the Cat. Several people have proposed that I ought to start doing dokusan sessions online via Skype and charge money for them. But that idea, frankly, makes me want to vomit. Dokusan, for those who may not […]
The Enlightenizer
For those of you who are not yet listening to the Hardcore Zen Podcast, here’s a taste of what you’re missing: If you want to hear more podcasts, go to http://hardcorezen.libsyn.com/ and start listening today! I’ve been messing around with the iMovie program on my Mac. I once had Final Cut. But the program I […]