Buddhism, a Religion Based on Not Giving a Fuck?

This picture got posted on my Facebook wall (why is it called a wall?) last week. Apparently it’s one of those things that’s been making the rounds on the Internets lately judging by the number of comments it had attracted even before it reached me. I don’t even want to get into the implied racism […]

I Love L.A.

I Love L.A.

My friend Nina invited me to come with her to her friend Seema’s fancy condo downtown where we could sit by the pool or soak in the jacuzzi. I was gonna write my first Los Angeles-based post of the second decade of the 21st century from there. But it turned out we couldn’t get a […]

The Grand Canyon Sucks!

The Grand Canyon Sucks!

My dad and I went to see the Grand Canyon yesterday. But the photo on top of this article isn’t from there. It’s from the day before when we went to see Canyon de Chelly. The lady at the Welcome to Arizona place told us there were some cave dwellings there. So we went up […]

The Myth of Rebirth

A guy named James wrote to me and asked: “Could you explain rebirth to me like I’m five. I’ve never been able to grasp a knowledge of this.” I answered him thusly; Rebirth is a myth that some Buddhists believe in. It might be loosely based on fact. But it might just be a fantasy. […]

Phoenix Rising

Phoenix Rising

It’s been confirmed. I will be speaking at Empty Sky Zen Center near Phoenix, Arizona on Friday June 29th at 7pm. The address is 5246 E McDonald Dr., Paradise Valley, AZ 85253. If you’re not a regular there and wish to attend please send an email to Ann Baker at anbakrann@gmail.com. They just need to […]