Everybody Knows?
Hello from your roving Zen reporter, reporting to you today from Glasgow, Scotland where the weather is damp and rainy. “That’s nowt rrrain, laddie!” they tell me, “That’s nowt bot smirr!” Yet it seems like rain to me. Or drizzle at least. Yesterday I visited my old friend Nick Wilding aka Vic Wild Thing the […]
Here I am in a Starbucks in Berlin using their free WiFi while the muzak plays a jazzy arrangement of “Every Little Breeze Seems to Whisper Louise.” I am not by the wall. I am not five feet ten inches tall. There is no doubonet on ice. But honey, it is paradise. There are two […]
Mindfulness and Forgetfulness
I’m out $100 on a plane ticket I can’t use. Before I booked the ticket I double checked my calendar and my events page to see when I needed to be in Scotland. Unfortunately both were wrong. I’d forgotten that the event in Glasgow that was initially suggested to take place on Saturday and Sunday […]
I’m doing two (2) talks in Koblenz, Germany today! Be there! Next stop Frankfurt and then Berlin. Full schedule is at http://hardcorezen.info/events Nov. 7 University of Koblenz, Koblenz, Germany Nob. 7 Koblenz City, Germany Nov. 9 Dogen Zendo Frankfurt , Germany Nov. 10 Balance Yoga Frankfurt, Germany Nov. 14 Dharma Buchladen Berlin, Germany Nov. 17- […]
International Lay Buddhists Forum Pt. 2 — The Good Stuff
I usually don’t post two days in a row, especially about the same topic. But I started thinking about what I wrote yesterday and worrying that it might have sounded like I’ve had a really terrible time here in Spain, or that I hated the Int’l Lay Buddhists Forum. In fact, though, this has been […]