The Zen of Godzilla (proposal)
I’m sorry I haven’t written much for this blog lately. I’ve been devoting lots of time to my YouTube channel (youtube.com/hardcorezen). But I’ve thought I would share some of my unpublished material with you nice folks. First up is material from a book I proposed to New World Library in 2011 but never finished. Below […]
Enlightenment is Knowing That No One Does Anything
The following is an excerpt from the book The Seeking by Ramesh Balsekar. I found it very useful, so I offer it to you: My point is, how do you know what you are looking for is real? Real in phenomenal life. How do you know it is not an illusion? And the answer to […]
Choosing the Most Level Place
Lots of times when I write a book, I end up writing stuff that’s good but doesn’t fit with the rest of the book. The following section was cut out of my forthcoming book Stop Hitting Yourself: And Other Lessons I Learned from the Zen Ethics of Time, Space, and Being. A lot of people […]
Mind vs. Consciousness
I got a question via email that went like this: I really enjoyed your talk yesterday on Dogen’s Mujo Seppo. Your speculation that perhaps the sun has some form of consciousness made me realize that I don’t really understand the difference between “mind” and “consciousness” in Zen, or if there even really is one, as it seems that “vijñana” […]
One Bright Pearl for Cedar Rapids
On Sunday February 21, 2021 at 9:45am Central Time I’ll be speaking online at the Cedar Rapids Zen Center. For information on how to join go to https://www.cedarrapidszencenter.org. Here’s what I’ll try to talk about. One of my favorite stories in Shobogenzo appears at the beginning of the essay called Ikka No Myoju, which is […]