
The Hardest Working Man in Zen Business

I’m trying to compile a list of all the gigs I’ve done Zen-wise. I want to include both live appearances and radio/TV shows. But I’m missing almost all the radio and TV dates. And there are a few of the live appearance gigs which I do not have records of exactly where I spoke. I […]

Zen Prostitution

Now I know why I keep the comments section open. Yesterday I sat at Angel Falls coffee shop (don’t get the wrong idea, my friends in The Netherlands, this one only sells coffee, tea and pastries) wracking my brain for about three hours to come up with yesterday’s post. I was trying to put my […]

What’s So Wrong With Genpo Roshi?

Thanks for the overwhelmingly positive response to the previous post! I’m really glad that most people got what I was trying to say. But I’d like to address a few of the dissenting voices. Here are some comments from people who disliked that post:• God this Genpo thing is getting really tired. • I generally […]

New Levels of Minionship Available Now!

Following in the footsteps of the venerable Zen Master Genpo Merzel, I’d like to announce the following arrangements. I am now offering several levels of commitment to those who want to follow me and be my minions, underlings, or subordinates. I am calling my new method of Zen practice Big Swindle™ Zen! It allows you […]

Reader Questions

Hello, readers. I thought I’d waste your time with a few questions from people who read my stuff along with my answers to them. Dear Brad, I have been trying to develop my Zen practice since about a year ago. I looked around for a local group but couldn’t find one, and so got some […]