
The Angel City Zen Center is HAPPENING!

The Angel City Zen Center is HAPPENING!

It’s chilly and drizzly here in Belfast, Northern Ireland and my cold is getting better. I spent much of last weekend’s retreat here coughing and trying not to fall over as I sat. I was supposed to be here a day earlier than I actually arrived. I always give myself at least a day before […]

Is It Ever Your Job to Provide Suffering?

This is a post about how we allow hate to turn us into what we hate. It’s about how we look for human targets upon which to vent our hatred. It’s about how it doesn’t matter if the crimes our targets supposedly committed were real like Brock Turner’s crime certainly was, or imaginary. Brock Turner, […]

A Big KA-BOOM! and a Buddhist Riddle

Yesterday Elon Musk’s rocket blew up and Musk lost nearly $780 million dollars. The rocket was apparently carrying a satellite owned by Facebook. To me it is astonishing that Facebook had a satellite. Or that anyone has $780 million dollars. I really can’t make much sense out of either of those pieces of information. But […]

Miracles Great and Small

When I was a first year student at Kent State University in Ohio, I was really interested in finding out what religions were all about. I was raised without one — not as an atheist, just in a family that didn’t care about religion. I wanted to know what religions were and why people believed […]

That’s Just the Content of Your Zazen

FROM THE MAILBAG: Brad, I know you get sick of answering the same questions, but I am sincere with my next few.  I’ve been sitting for about 10 years (as a result of your first book) for the most part without a teacher. I have a teacher, but he is retired now and tough to […]