
The Arrow Parable in Reverse

After I posted my article No Buddhism for YOU, someone on Facebook made the following comment. “I agree with you all that there can be a diversity of approaches and in fact, I imagine that people across the political spectrum have important pieces to offer in transforming the suffering caused by these systemic, and intertwined, […]

No Buddhism for YOU!

Last weekend, 200 prominent Buddhists met in New York City at a conference called “Buddhist Action: Morals, Vision, and Justice.” According to an article in Lion’s Roar, the idea behind the conference was, “Buddhists strive to alleviating suffering. Political and social crises cause immense suffering around the world. How can as-of-yet unconnected Buddhists groups work […]

Sky and God

Sky and God

My niece Sky started a YouTube channel. You may remember Sky from the videos we did together a few years ago, like this one. Well, now she’s all grown up — she’s 21 — and she’s making videos about God. Actually, most of her videos aren’t about God. But the one I linked to above […]

All Buddhists Must Speak Out About Myanmar… Right?

I got an interesting question from one of my patrons over at Pateron and it went like this: Whenever there is an Islamist terror attack, Muslims are criticized if they do not renounce such actions. Does the Buddhist community have an obligation to speak out about the persecution of the Rohingya people? In case you’re […]

Did a Monk Burning Himself Help End the Vietnam War?

Last week, I put up an article on this blog expressing my opinion that Buddhism is not about politics. Individual Buddhists can be as political as they want, I said. But I do not believe that Buddhism itself should be mixed with politics. Every time I post an article saying something like this, someone inevitably responds […]