FAQ: How Can I Become a Zen Priest/Monk/Nun?
I’m gonna start compiling some of my frequently asked questions (FAQ) and maybe someday someone with some technical expertise can help me assemble them into a page I can just refer people to when these questions come up. I’m often asked how to become a Zen monk/priest/nun. My book Hardcore Zen tells the story of how I […]

Buddhism and Politics
It’s never as easy as you would like. To say Buddhists should not be involved in politics is obviously silly. But to say that all Buddhists should share a certain specific set of political views is also ridiculous. A few years ago I was giving a talk at the Houston Zen Center. Gaelyn Godwin, who […]
Response from Taigen Leighton
Here is a response I received to my previous blog post, I Wish I Could Agree, from my friend Taigen Leighton. Hey Brad, As one of the people holding the banner you object to, I want to respond, and clarify some of the misapprehensions in your article. You missed the point. First, the three banners […]
I appreciate all the feedback I received on my previous piece for this blog, I Wish I Could Agree. By now I assume many of you have seen the rebuttal to it from the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. If you haven’t, click on the words “Buddhist Peace Fellowship” and you can read it. Here is a […]
I Wish I Could Agree
Last week, Buddhists all over the Interwebs were wetting themselves over what was being called the “Buddhist Leadership Conference” in which a bunch of people who think of themselves as Buddhist leaders got to go to the White House and pose on the lawn with a big banner that said “US Militarism Breeds Violence, Not […]