
Random photo of me, August Ragone and Ultraman Gaia

NE Tour Summary & Who I Wrote My New Book For

I’m back in Los Angeles from my whirlwind tour of the Northeast. It was good. It was fun. I met lots of really cool people. I did slightly better than breaking even and slightly worse than if I’d spent those same eleven days serving up Grande Lattes at a Starbucks. So it was a financial […]

Ain’t Too Proud To Beg

We all beg for a living. Or maybe we don’t. As I travel the great Northeast of our nation, I have had to end each of my talks with a reminder to the audience that I’m traveling at my own expense (no monetary support from my publishers or my sangha or anyone else), that it’s […]

“Touring, Touring is Never Boring” – The Ramones

I’m halfway through my East Coast Living Room Tour 2013. It’s been great. But it’s been very tiring and very expen$ive. I tried every way I could to cut corners. But it’s still costing me more than twice as much as I budgeted for — and I thought my budget was entirely too pessimistic. But […]

I'm Sorry, Toronto!

I’m Sorry, Toronto!

My apologies to everyone in Toronto who was salivating to see me. I neglected to check my passport. I noticed at the airport that it had expired on April 1st. What a dork I am. I had to scramble and re-organize everything. Why do we need passports between the US and Canada anyway? You can […]


Would anyone be interested in hosting me in Albuquerque or in the Great State of Texas next month? As you can see below, I have a talk at Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe on July 10th. I’ve just been asked if I can make it to El Paso on July 15th. Albuquerque is in […]