


From August 3rd through September 9th this year I’ll be waiting tables at Tassajara Zen Mountain Monastery. There is no Internet access at Tassajara and cell phone signals can’t make it into the valley. It’s up a winding dirt road seven miles into the mountains and then down seven more rocky miles into a canyon. […]

I Love You, Cosmo!

I Love You, Cosmo!

So I’m in my car yesterday with a friend and she asks me something to the effect of, “What was your enlightenment experience like?” This is someone who has read Hardcore Zen and There Is No God and He is Always With You, so she knows what I said about it in those books. She […]

Places Science Cannot Reach

Places Science Cannot Reach

There was an exchange in the comments section here recently that went something like this: COMMENTER A: And while he (meaning me, Brad) is a pretty strong supporter of science he’s always said that he thought there are places that science can’t reach — that goes as far back as Hardcore Zen (the book). COMMENTER […]

God is Eternal

I like looking at YouTube videos about the creationism vs. evolution debate. They’re so silly! Unfortunately I think a lot of people involved don’t realize it’s comedy. The other day I came across one in which Richard Dawkins is debating some Catholic theologian about God. Dawkins hits the theologian with the old schoolboy question, “If […]


Wednesday July 10, 2013 I will be speaking at Upaya Zen Center 1404 Cerro Gordo Road Santa Fe, NM, 87501. A few people have written to ask me the schedule. They told me, “The dharma talk starts at 5:30pm on Wednesday and goes for one hour.” Someone wrote in asking if there was zazen first. […]