Don’t Try to Help
There’s a koan that goes like this: Master Obaku Ki-un asked Master Hyakujo Ekai: When I want to share with others the teachings that you have given us, how should I teach them? Master Hyakujo Ekai just remained seated on his cushion without saying anything. Obaku Ki-un said: How can I teach the children and […]
Form Vs Essence
My friend Gesshin Greenwood wrote a great article in the current issue of Buddhadharma magazine. It’s the cover story! Do you know how many times I’ve gotten the cover story in one of the Buddhist magazines? Let me go through my files and count. OK. Here you go… never. Not once. But am I bitter? […]
You Can’t Be Sirius!
Yesterday I wasted two hours of my life watching a shitty movie called Sirius on Netflix. I’m not going to review the movie. The Hollywood Reporter already published the most perfect review possible of the film. Sirius is a documentary is about a physician named Steven Greer who believes in UFOs and who thinks he […]
I Blame Buddhism For My Arrested Adolescence
A few minutes into the documentary Pirooz Kalayeh made about me, Brad Warner’s Hardcore Zen, is a scene in which I’m at a Zen center in New York City who had invited me to speak there and the head of the Zen center asks me, “Do you think that unresolved problems in your childhood might […]
America! Fudge Yeah!
Akron’s Fourth of July fireworks were held on the 6th of July in 1991 because the actual 4th fell on a Thursday that year. People gathered on the All America Bridge (aka the Y-Bridge because it looks like a Y from overhead) to watch the display. Now there’s a stadium downtown and people go there […]