
Frank Zappa’s House

Frank Zappa’s house is up for auction on eBay. Alex Winter, Bill S. Preston from the Bill and Ted movies, is making a documentary about Frank Zappa and the Zappa family is giving their full cooperation. As part of their efforts to make the documentary happen, they are letting Alex auction off their family home. […]


I just did an interview for a radio show called Freedom For All. I believe it will be broadcast on Friday. I’ll try to get the info for you about how to listen in. I’ve been on the show before and the hosts always ask their guests the same question at the end of each […]

Enlightenment and Losing Your Virginity

On Sunday I led a workshop at the Austin Zen Center. I had a swell time. During the workshop the group and I became involved in an interesting discussion about enlightenment. I didn’t record my talk. I never record the best ones. But I’m going to try to write from memory some of what I […]

God Wants You to Vote Against Donald Trump

SETI stands for Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. For over one hundred years now, people have been searching for signs that there are other intelligent life forms on other planets. As soon as we discovered that we could transmit information electronically across vast distances first via radio, then television and other means, we’ve wondered if […]


I recently read a novel I really liked and I thought I’d share it with you. It’s not a Zen book. It’s science fiction, which is way more fun to read than books about Zen. The book is called Seveneves and it was written by Neal Stephenson. It came out in May, 2015. That’s almost […]