We Are The Flat Earth Society
We think we understand, more-or-less, what the world we’re living in is. But do we? In the past, our species has made some big mistakes. Let’s take an obvious example. People used to think the sun went around the Earth and that the Earth was flat. We know now that we were wrong about that. […]
Psychedelic Zen?
The fifth Buddhist Precept is usually translated as “Don’t live by selling liquor.” The word “intoxicants” is often substituted for “liquor.” The general understanding is that it was never intended to be restricted to alcohol alone. Bodhidharma’s version goes, “Self-nature is mysterious and profound. In the midst of immaculate dharma, not giving birth to ignorance […]
Meditation for Success?
Many of the most successful CEOs in the world use meditation to give them an edge. That’s what the card that appears at the beginning of a Huffington Post video/article on meditation titled Top CEOs Reveal The Most Important Habit For Success tells me. “Russell Simmons calls meditation ‘the core of my existence’,” it whispers […]
Zen for Aliens
I’m a science fiction fan. I’m one of those guys who can tell you why Star Wars is not science fiction but Star Trek is. I can even argue why the original Star Trek is more truly science fiction than Next Generation, which often ignored the sci-fi stuff to become even more of soap opera […]
Why I Do Zazen
I’m flying on a big iron bird through the sky. Below me is Lake Michigan. I’ll be in New York City in an hour and a half. I’m on my way for a series of talks and public appearances (see the list below). In fact, there’s one more public appearance on Monday that’s not even […]