
Resistance? What Resistance?

It was a different time when Zero Defex first started. The movement was truly underground. Scene magazine, the local Cleveland/Akron free rock paper, rarely listed our shows because they were too underground to interest even their minuscule readership. You know how nowadays even CNN and Hillary Clinton are part of “The Resistance”? There was not […]

Why I Am Not Freaking Out About the Paris Climate Agreement

Please note that this article is titled “Why I Am Not Freaking Out…” and not “Why You Should Not Freak Out…” What you do is your own business. I don’t go on Facebook much anymore. But after Trump said he would pull the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement, I took a look-see and […]


Over the past few years I’ve spent a substantial amount of time in Manchester, England. I was first invited to lead an event there about seven years ago by Matt Ryan of Yoga Manchester. I’ve come to Manchester almost every year since then. I’ve walked through the area where the bomb went off last night a […]

Drugs, Meditation, and Mountain Climbing

Yesterday I got into a rather idiotic discussion on Twitter with someone who thinks drugs are a great aid to meditation practice. Here’s what I wrote about that stuff back in 2011 and 2015.  I recently got into a fairly ridiculous debate on Facebook with some people who think that psychedelic drugs can get you to […]

There Are Seven Levels

Here’s a question I received recently. It was proposed as a topic for my YouTube channel, but I think it might be better in writing. Jhanas, those meditative states that one supposedly goes climbing until you reach the pinnacle of enlightenment. I have come across references to these in Pali suttas from time to time, […]