
Ordination and Stuff

Happy New Year! Before I begin there are a few things I have to mention. First, in just mere hours, Waylon from Elephant Journal will interview me and Pirooz Kalayeh, the director of Brad Warner’s Hardcore Zen on a live streaming thingamajig. The link to the archived video is here. Also, the last time I looked the screening of […]

Myogen Steve Stückey

Myogen Steve Stückey

My friend Myogen Steve Stückey Roshi, abbot of San Francisco Zen Center passed away this morning. I will miss him. Steve was a good guy and not at all like what one expects from a Zen master type, especially one who is the abbot of a major American Zen center. He was always really straight […]

The Iguana Effect

The Iguana Effect

Ever since I was about ten I’ve wanted to make my own monster movie. When I was a teenager I made a few with friends. When I was around 27 or so I got myself a VHS video camera and with my friend Dana Mitchell (now Dana Plambeck) I put together a script and started […]


Only 37 more hours on our fundraiser for the Hardcore Zen Movie Tour. People keep asking about DVDs. The ONLY way to get a DVD of the film is to contribute $25 to the fundraiser. We aren’t planning to make any more after this. We are funding this tour on our own money. And […]

Can I Be Your Student?

Can I Be Your Student?

Today someone sent me an email asking to be my student. This prompted the following thoughts, which I now present to you in the form of a kind of open letter. This isn’t precisely the email I sent in response to the questioner. But parts of it are. I’m never sure what people mean when […]