


The documentary about me, Brad Warner’s Hardcore Zen is showing in Los Angeles and San Francisco next month, and the month after that Zero Defex is playing a show in Akron to raise money for my friend Logan Lestat’s on-going cancer treatment. Usually when I do out-of-town gigs I make at least my travel expenses […]

Hello Ithaca! Hello Philly! See You Very Soon New York!

Hello Ithaca! Hello Philly! See You Very Soon New York!

Tonight March 11th, 2014 at 7pm, the documentary about me, Brad Warner’s Hardcore Zen, will play at CinemopolisĀ 120 E Green St Ithaca, NY 14850. Tickets are available atĀ Unfortunately neither I nor director Pirooz Kalayeh will be there. We had scheduling problems and just could not make it. Not to mention it’s damned expensive […]

Random Reflections on Becoming 50

Random Reflections on Becoming 50

Today I turned fifty. Happy birthday to me! As my dad says, “It’s better than the alternative!” At least I don’t look fifty. Must be all that Zen. This is a self-indulgent post. But it’s my birthday so y’all can just suck it! Fifty is an annoying age to be. You’re not old enough to be […]

The bus stop in front of the library in downtown Akron. I have waited for busses at this very spot!

Bob Casale

I just returned from a five-day Zen sesshin with Kazuaki Tanahashi at the Upaya Zen Center. But before I talk about that, I’d like to talk about Bob Casale. I learned of Bob Casale’s untimely death at age 61 while I was on that sesshin. It happened the day before the sesshin began and I […]

Dogen's Circle of the Way

Dogen’s Circle of the Way

Tomorrow begins my retreat at Upaya Zen Center with Kazuaki Tanahashi. The retreat is titled Dogen’s Circle of the Way. Before Kaz invited me to lead this retreat with him I had not been very familiar with the phrase “Circle of the Way.” I’d probably heard it around Tassajara but I’d never paid the phrase […]