
Desire and Happiness

This week I came across a New York Times article called Love People, Not Pleasure. It’s well worth reading. But the most important section is just three paragraphs long. Here it is: From an evolutionary perspective, it makes sense that we are wired to seek fame, wealth and sexual variety. These things make us more […]

Too Much Fucking Perspective

Too Much Fucking Perspective

I’m in Los Angeles now. Tomorrow we’re doing a half-day sitting at Dogen Sangha Los Angeles, which is meeting at the  Veteran’s Memorial Building 4117 Overland Blvd. Culver City, CA 90230 starting at 9:30 AM. All are welcome. Details are at the end of this post (scroll way down!). I just spent the past four days in […]

Joshu Sasaki

I heard this morning that Joshu Sasaki Roshi, founder of the Mt. Baldy Zen Center, passed away on Sunday July 27th at the age of 107. I found this out just a few hours after I arrived in Portland to visit my friend Logan who has stage four esophageal cancer. I decided I should post something […]

What Should We Think About Death?

The video above has been making the rounds of the Internets lately. It’s narrated by Stephen Fry and put together by the British Humanist Association. It’s titled “What Should We Think About Death?” The basic message is that we’re all going to die and none of us really knows if there’s an afterlife or not. […]

Will Enlightenment Save The World?

Last week, Malaysian Airlines flight 17 was shot down over the Ukraine. Most of the people who died on board were Dutch citizens headed for Amsterdam. I have a lot of Dutch friends these days. I’ve been doing talks in the Netherlands each year for the past four years and I’m going back again in […]