
Is Zen Enough?

I just finished my first European gig of 2015, a three-day non-residential zazen retreat in Munich. The question that kept coming up in different forms during the Q&A sessions and dokusans (private meetings) was “Is Zen enough?” At first the question confused me. Enough for what? It seems that a lot of people expect some […]

The view looked more like this.

That Moment When You Realize You’ve Had a Moment of Realization

I’m on tour and haven’t had time to write anything new. Here is a blast from the past, originally posted in July, 2013 *   *   * So I’m in my car yesterday with a friend and she asks me something to the effect of, “What was your enlightenment experience like?” This is someone […]


Tomorrow I leave the USA to start my 2015 European Tour. The dates are listed at the end of this blog. All of the events are open to more people, so if you want to come along, please do. These tours I do are a lot more like a punk rock band going around to […]

Have a Blessed Evening

I’m down in Foley, Alabama this week. My dad bought a place out here a few years ago and he’s recovering from recent heart surgery so I came down to visit before heading off to my European tour (see below for details, all events are still open). Last night we ordered pizza and I went […]

Deeper Levels of Realization Are For Suckers

My apologies for being away so long. We’ve been having some technical issues with the blog and have been trying our best to get them fixed. They’re still not completely fixed, but the blog ought to be running a little better now than it was before. I’m leaving today to go see my dad who […]