
Perception, Consciousness and Self

Here’s a question I got by email: “Is it fair to say that perception is consciousness? If the I is just the I reaction to stimulus then without perception there is no I.” This is one of those questions people in my line of work often get. We try our best to answer them. But […]

Guns, Anger and Zen

On August 7, 2011 a deranged asshole with a gun killed eight members of the family of a close friend of mine, including her 11 year-old nephew. Like most such perpetrators in America, he had acquired the gun easily, cheaply, and legally. I have been appalled by the pathetic state of our gun laws since […]

Corporate Mindfulness is Bullshit

I couldn’t say it better than this article from Salon, Corporate Mindfulness is Bullshit: Zen or No Zen, You’re Working Harder and Getting Paid Less.       I’ve got a new book coming out soon! Stay up to date on its release schedule, my live appearances and more by signing up for our mailing […]

Secure Your Mask Before Helping Others

I’m on retreat right now and can’t post. Here’s a rerun of an article I wrote for Suicide Girls dated August 8, 2011 *   *   * A few people have responded to my blog by comparing me to this or that teacher and saying those guys are much better because they encourage their […]

Pure Awareness?

I’m on retreat and can’t post. Here’s a rerun of an article I did on my older blog, posted May 12, 2012 *   *   * My name is Brad and I subscribe to Deepak Chopra’s Twitter feed. Hi Brad! I don’t even really “get” Twitter. I’m not sure just what you’re supposed to […]