Good Times Bad Times
From the mail bag: Hi Brad. Yesterday I allowed myself to get hung up over not having the job I want or the money I want and convinced myself what a total failure I was. During zazen that morning I had a wonderful experience which only pisses me off even more when I allowed my […]
Planned Parenthood, Abortion and Buddhism
Last weekend a white terrorist with a gun shot up a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado. The United States needs tougher anti-gun laws. This is not an opinion or a political position. It is an indisputable fact. Do you know how many times the Bible mentions abortion? How about none? The website Christian Bible Reference […]
Thanks For Your Support
The Indie Go Go campaign we started several weeks ago to fund the establishment of the Angel City Zen Center (Los Angeles means “City of Angels” and the name Zen Center of Los Angeles was already taken) has made $18,348 as of the time I am writing this (Thursday morning around 9am). That’s pretty amazing. […]
The Story of Why I’m a Good Person
Each and every one of us has a boatload of stories. There’s the story of how I won the big game, the story of how I wrecked the boss’s car, the story of that time I laughed so hard milk came out my nose, the story of how I was abducted by aliens… and so […]
Since I first heard the news about the terrorist attack in Paris on Friday, I have struggled with trying to find something to say about it. Like pretty much everyone with a working heart and mind, I was appalled by the news on Friday of the attacks. I was also disgusted by what I saw […]