Over the past couple of days I have deleted the “news” app from my phone and unsubscribed to anything “news-like” that I was getting via email. I’ve deleted the “news” section from my YouTube feed as well. I’m not looking at Facebook or Twitter, although I will keep posting links to new articles and videos […]
How Not to Be Crazy in a Global Pandemic
Things are never black or white. Things are never one way or the other. Things are always many ways at the same time. At the outset of this current pandemic, some doofus on Facebook was trying to spread the word that I am a “coronavirus truther.” So I feel compelled to repeat again and again […]

Won’t Get Fooled Again (One Bright Pearl)
The following is an excerpt from my book Don’t Be a Jerk. I feel like it’s appropriate right about now. I’m planning to make a video today explaining why. * * * Dogen writes (more or less): Before he was a Zen Master, Gensa Shibi was a fisherman. But when he was thirty years old he decided […]

Guided Meditation for Anxious People
I just wrote this script for the very first guided mediation I’ve ever attempted to create. I’ll be recording it in the next few hours. But, since this might be an urgent need for some people, I am providing the script in written form right now. Here it is: Guided meditation is not part of […]
The Sad Tale of How My Zen Teacher Failed to See Me
I want to study the doctrine of non-self. But first, I want you to listen to all my personal details. I said this (more or less) to all of my Zen teachers. They listened politely while I talked and talked and talked about my life story. Maybe they’d nod, or shake their heads, or go, […]